
Generation Global Conference

The students of classes VIII and IX participated in the Generation Global Video Conference (earlier Face to Faith) held on January 11, 2017, on the topic ?Wealth, Charity and Poverty?.

The Participating Schools were Pioneers Public HS (Pakistan), Delhi Public School GBN (India) and Oleksandria School #9, Ukraine. However, Oleksandria School #9 could not join the VC due to technical issues.

Jo Malone (Senior Project Manager, The Tony Blair Faith Foundation) facilitated the VC and Nonica Kochhar provided technical help from Generation Global.

The students shared with one another what they valued the most in their lives. They also shared how they were ?rich? and how they were ?poor?. Dialogue around beliefs about charity and how these beliefs affected attitudes and behaviour were also conducted.

Jo?s description of the dialogue in her mail is as given below and it shows that she enjoyed the views shared by our students during the VC:

?Summary of the dialogue:

It was obvious straight away that the level of the sharing in the dialogue was going to be very strong. Students gave good examples backed with excellent explanations of what was valuable in their lives. They explained how knowledge, reputation, spirituality and helping others were important to them I their lives. I loved one particular quote from a student who commented that ?This is the revolution of the world ? to understand one another."

When students were invited to ask a question based on what they had heard or make a response comment they initially struggled, but after I modelled what one of these looks like, they got the hang of it and asked some very good response questions and good initial first questions themselves. There was a superb question from a student at DPS around spiritual literacy which led in turn to a great discussion about the sources ofspirituality and whether these can only come from religion?.

The participating students were: Aditi Singh (9A), Vinayak Sharma (9A), Hardik Kharbanda(9B), Mudit (8B), Vedant (8B), Ayush Ranjan(9A), Kovid Lakhera(9A), Yash Jha (9B), Rupin(8B), Rishab Pillai(8B).